drupalladder.org contains (or links to) lessons and materials to help people learn about and contribute to Drupal.
Use drupalladder.org to:
- Find lessons about contributing to Drupal
- Work your way up the Drupal Ladder or other "learning ladders" and keep track of which lessons you have completed
- Contribute lessons about contributing to Drupal
- Get resources about organizing "learn sprints" and "issue sprints" for Drupal User Groups and Camps
Sauce Project is a repository for Drupal plugins(Views, Rules, Widgets, Modules, Themes….), helping site builders to add features to their site.
I will be showing a demo of these two projects and talking about
- Why we should contribute
- How it benefits personally in addition to the community
- What to contribute and
- How you can contribute from Day1 of Learning Drupal